raamaa mai saaDhoo charan Dhuveejai
kilAwn mhlw 4 ] (1325-16)kali-aan mehlaa 4. Kalyaan, Fourth Mehl: |
rwmw mY swDU crn DuvIjY ] iklibK dhn hoih iKn AMqir myry Twkur ikrpw kIjY ]1] rhwau ] May my sins be burnt away in an instant; O my Lord and Master, please bless me with Your Mercy. ||1||Pause|| mMgq jn dIn Kry dir TwFy Aiq qrsn kau dwnu dIjY ] The meek and humble beggars stand begging at Your Door. Please be generous and give to those who are yearning. qRwih qRwih srin pRB Awey mo kau gurmiq nwmu idRVIjY ]1] Save me, save me, O God - I have come to Your Sanctuary. Please implant the Guru's Teachings, and the Naam within me. ||1|| kwm kroDu ngr mih sblw inq auiT auiT jUJu krIjY ] Sexual desire and anger are very powerful in the body-village; I rise up to fight the battle against them. AMgIkwru krhu riK lyvhu gur pUrw kwiF kFIjY ]2] Please make me Your Own and save me; through the Perfect Guru, I drive them out. ||2|| AMqir Agin sbl Aiq ibiKAw ihv sIqlu sbdu gur dIjY ] The powerful fire of corruption is raging violently within; the Word of the Guru's Shabad is the ice water which cools and soothes. qin min sWiq hoie AiDkweI rogu kwtY sUiK svIjY ]3] My mind and body are calm and tranquil; the disease has been cured, and now I sleep in peace. ||3|| ijau sUrju ikrix rivAw srb TweI sB Git Git rwmu rvIjY ] As the rays of the sun spread out everywhere, the Lord pervades each and every heart. swDU swD imly rsu pwvY qqu inj Gir bYiTAw pIjY ]4] Meeting the Holy Saint, one drinks in the Sublime Essence of the Lord; sitting in the home of your own inner being, drink in the essence. ||4|| jn kau pRIiq lgI gur syqI ijau ckvI dyiK sUrIjY ] The humble being is in love with the Guru, like the chakvi bird which loves to see the sun. inrKq inrKq rYin sB inrKI muKu kwFY AMimRqu pIjY ]5] She watches, and keeps on watching all through the night; and when the sun shows its face, she drinks in the Amrit. ||5|| swkq suAwn khIAih bhu loBI bhu durmiq mYlu BrIjY ] The faithless cynic is said to be very greedy - he is a dog. He is overflowing with the filth and pollution of evil-mindedness. Awpn suAwie krih bhu bwqw iqnw kw ivswhu ikAw kIjY ]6] He talks excessively about his own interests. How can he be trusted? ||6|| swDU swD srin imil sMgiq ijqu hir rsu kwiF kFIjY ] I have sought the Sanctuary of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; I have found the Sublime Essence of the Lord. praupkwr bolih bhu guxIAw muiK sMq Bgq hir dIjY ]7] They do good deeds for others, and speak of the Lord's many Glorious Virtues; please bless me to meet these Saints, these devotees of the Lord. ||7|| qU Agm dieAwl dieAw piq dwqw sB dieAw Dwir riK lIjY ] You are the Inaccessible Lord, Kind and Compassionate, the Great Giver; please shower us with Your Mercy, and save us. srb jIA jgjIvnu eyko nwnk pRiqpwl krIjY ]8]5] You are the Life of all the beings of the world; please cherish and sustain Nanak. ||8||5|| |