raam raam bol bol khojtay badbhaagee

mlwr mhlw 4 ] (1265-17)
malaar mehlaa 4.
Malaar, Fourth Mehl:

rwm rwm boil boil Kojqy bfBwgI ]
raam raam bol bol khojtay badbhaagee.
They speak and chant the Name of the Lord, Raam, Raam; the very fortunate ones seek Him.

hir kw pMQu koaU bqwvY hau qw kY pwie lwgI ]1] rhwau ]
har kaa panth ko-oo bataavai ha-o taa kai paa-ay laagee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Whoever shows me the Way of the Lord - I fall at his feet. ||1||Pause||

hir hmwro mIqu sKweI hm hir isau pRIiq lwgI ]
har hamaaro meet sakhaa-ee ham har si-o pareet laagee.
The Lord is my Friend and Compansion; I am in love with the Lord.

hir hm gwvih hir hm bolih Aauru duqIAw pRIiq hm iqAwgI ]1]
har ham gaavahi har ham boleh a-or dutee-aa pareet ham ti-aagee. ||1||
I sing of the Lord, and I speak of the Lord; I have discarded all other loves. ||1||

mnmohn moro pRIqm rwmu hir prmwn�du bYrwgI ]
manmohan moro pareetam raam har parmaanand bairaagee.
My Beloved is the Enticer of the mind; The Detached Lord God is the Embodiment of Supreme bliss.

hir dyKy jIvq hY nwnku iek inmK plo muiK lwgI ]2]2]9]9]13]9]31]
har daykhay jeevat hai naanak ik nimakh palo mukh laagee. ||2||2||9||9||13||9||31||
Nanak lives by gazing upon the Lord; may I see Him for a moment, for even just an instant. ||2||2||9||9||13||9||31||