raam naam ka-o namaskaar
mwlI gauVw mhlw 5 ] (986-13)maalee ga-urhaa mehlaa 5. Maalee Gauraa, Fifth Mehl: |
rwm nwm kau nmskwr ] jwsu jpq hovq auDwr ]1] rhwau ] Chanting it, one is saved. ||1||Pause|| jw kY ismrin imtih DMD ] Meditating on Him in remembrance, conflicts are ended. jw kY ismrin CUtih bMD ] Meditating on Him, one's bonds are untied. jw kY ismrin mUrK cqur ] Meditating on Him, the fool becomes wise. jw kY ismrin kulh auDr ]1] Meditating on Him, one's ancestors are saved. ||1|| jw kY ismrin Bau duK hrY ] Meditating on Him, fear and pain are taken away. jw kY ismrin Apdw trY ] Meditating on Him, misfortune is avoided. jw kY ismrin mucq pwp ] Meditating on Him, sins are erased. jw kY ismrin nhI sMqwp ]2] Meditating on Him, agony is ended. ||2|| jw kY ismrin ird ibgws ] Meditating on Him, the heart blossoms forth. jw kY ismrin kvlw dwis ] Meditating on Him, Maya becomes one's slave. jw kY ismrin iniD inDwn ] Meditating on Him, one is blessed with the treasures of wealth. jw kY ismrin qry indwn ]3] Meditating on Him, one crosses over in the end. ||3|| piqq pwvnu nwmu hrI ] The Name of the Lord is the Purifier of sinners. koit Bgq auDwru krI ] It saves millions of devotees. hir dws dwsw dInu srn ] I am meek; I seek the Sanctuary of the slaves of the Lord's slaves. nwnk mwQw sMq crn ]4]2] Nanak lays his forehead on the feet of the Saints. ||4||2|| |