raaj leelaa tayrai naam banaa-ee
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (385-10)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
rwj lIlw qyrY nwim bnweI ] jogu binAw qyrw kIrqnu gweI ]1] I attain Yoga, singing the Kirtan of Your Praises. ||1|| srb suKw bny qyrY El@Y ] All comforts are obtained in Your Shelter. BRm ky prdy siqgur Kol@y ]1] rhwau ] The True Guru has removed the veil of doubt. ||1||Pause|| hukmu bUiJ rMg rs mwxy ] Understanding the Command of the Lord's Will, I revel in pleasure and joy. siqgur syvw mhw inrbwxy ]3] Serving the True Guru, I obtain the supreme state of Nirvaanaa. ||2|| ijin qUM jwqw so igrsq audwsI prvwxu ] One who recognizes You is recognized as a householder, and as a renunciate. nwim rqw soeI inrbwxu ]2] Imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, he dwells in Nirvaanaa. ||3|| jw kau imilE nwmu inDwnw ] One who has obtained the treasure of the Naam Bniq nwnk qw kw pUr Kjwnw ]4]6]57] - prays Nanak, his treasure-house is filled to overflowing. ||4||6||57|| |