raaj milak joban garih sobhaa roopvant jo-aanee
Awsw Gru 3 mhlw 5 (379-17)aasaa ghar 3 mehlaa 5 Aasaa, Third House, Fifth Mehl: |
rwj imlk jobn igRh soBw rUpvMqu juoAwnI ] bhuqu drbu hsqI Aru GoVy lwl lwK bY AwnI ] great wealth, elephants, horses and jewels, purchased with tens of thousands of dollars; AwgY drgih kwim n AwvY Coif clY AiBmwnI ]1] hereafter, these shall be of no avail in the Court of the Lord; the proud must depart, leaving them behind. ||1|| kwhy eyk ibnw icqu lweIAY ] Why center your consciousness on any other than the Lord? aUTq bYTq sovq jwgq sdw sdw hir iDAweIAY ]1] rhwau ] Sitting down, standing up, sleeping and waking, forever and ever, meditate on the Lord. ||1||Pause|| mhw bicqR suMdr AwKwVy rx mih ijqy pvwVy ] He may have the most wondrous and beautiful arenas, and be victorious on the field of battle. hau mwrau hau bMDau Cofau muK qy eyv bbwVy ] He may proclaim, "I can kill anyone, I can capture anyone, and I can release anyone." AwieAw hukmu pwrbRhm kw Coif cilAw eyk idhwVy ]2] But when the Order comes from the Supreme Lord God, he departs and leaves in a day. ||2|| krm Drm jugiq bhu krqw krxYhwru n jwnY ] He may perform all sorts of religious rituals and good actions, but he does not know the Creator Lord, the Doer of all. aupdysu krY Awip n kmwvY qqu sbdu n pCwnY ] He teaches, but does not practice what he preaches; he does not realize the essential reality of the Word of the Shabad. nWgw AwieAw nWgo jwsI ijau hsqI Kwku CwnY ]3] Naked he came, and naked he shall depart; he is like an elephant, throwing dust on himself. ||3|| sMq sjn sunhu siB mIqw JUTw eyhu pswrw ] O Saints, and friends, listen to me: all this world is false. myrI myrI kir kir fUby Kip Kip muey gvwrw ] Continually claiming, "Mine, mine", the mortals are drowned; the fools waste away and die. gur imil nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw swic nwim insqwrw ]4]1]38] Meeting the Guru, O Nanak, I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; through the True Name, I am emancipated. ||4||1||38|| |