rasak rasak gun gaavah gurmat liv unman naam lagaan
pRBwqI mhlw 4 ibBws (1335-7)parbhaatee mehlaa 4 bibhaas Prabhaatee, Fourth Mehl, Bibhaas: |
rsik rsik gun gwvh gurmiq ilv aunmin nwim lgwn ] AMimRqu rsu pIAw gur sbdI hm nwm ivthu kurbwn ]1] Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I drink in the Ambrosial Essence; I am a sacrifice to the Naam. ||1|| hmry jgjIvn hir pRwn ] The Lord, the Life of the World, is my Breath of Life. hir aUqmu ird AMqir BwieE guir mMqu dIE hir kwn ]1] rhwau ] The Lofty and Exalted Lord became pleasing to my heart and my inner being, when the Guru breathed the Mantra of the Lord into my ears. ||1||Pause|| Awvhu sMq imlhu myry BweI imil hir hir nwmu vKwn ] Come, O Saints: let us join together, O Siblings of Destiny; let us meet and chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ikqu ibiD ikau pweIAY pRBu Apunw mo kau krhu aupdysu hir dwn ]2] How am I to find my God? Please bless me with the Gift of the Lord's Teachings. ||2|| sqsMgiq mih hir hir visAw imil sMgiq hir gun jwn ] The Lord, Har, Har, abides in the Society of the Saints; joining this Sangat, the Lord's Glories are known. vfY Bwig sqsMgiq pweI guru siqguru pris Bgvwn ]3] By great good fortune, the Society of the Saints is found. Through the Guru, the True Guru, I receive the Touch of the Lord God. ||3|| gun gwvh pRB Agm Twkur ky gun gwie rhy hYrwn ] I sing the Glorious Praises of God, my Inaccessible Lord and Master; singing His Praises, I am enraptured. jn nwnk kau guir ikrpw DwrI hir nwmu dIE iKn dwn ]4]1] The Guru has showered His Mercy on servant Nanak; in an instant, He blessed him with the Gift of the Lord's Name. ||4||1|| |