ras amrit naam ras at bhalaa kit biDh milai ras khaa-ay
isrIrwgu mhlw 4 ] (41-9)sireeraag mehlaa 4. Siree Raag, Fourth Mehl: |
rsu AMimRqu nwmu rsu Aiq Blw ikqu ibiD imlY rsu Kwie ] jwie puChu sohwgxI qusw ikau kir imilAw pRBu Awie ] I go and ask the happy soul-brides, "How did you come to meet God?" Eie vyprvwh n bolnI hau mil mil Dovw iqn pwie ]1] They are care-free and do not speak; I massage and wash their feet. ||1|| BweI ry imil sjx hir gux swir ] O Siblings of Destiny, meet with your spiritual friend, and dwell upon the Glorious Praises of the Lord. sjxu siqguru purKu hY duKu kFY haumY mwir ]1] rhwau ] The True Guru, the Primal Being, is your Friend, who shall drive out pain and subdue your ego. ||1||Pause|| gurmuKIAw sohwgxI iqn dieAw peI min Awie ] The Gurmukhs are the happy soul-brides; their minds are filled with kindness. siqgur vcnu rqMnu hY jo mMny su hir rsu Kwie ] The Word of the True Guru is the Jewel. One who believes in it tastes the Sublime Essence of the Lord. sy vfBwgI vf jwxIAih ijn hir rsu KwDw gur Bwie ]2] Those who partake of the Lord's Sublime Essence, through the Guru's Love, are known as great and very fortunate. ||2|| iehu hir rsu vix iqix sBqu hY BwghIx nhI Kwie ] This Sublime Essence of the Lord is in the forests, in the fields and everywhere, but the unfortunate ones do not taste it. ibnu siqgur plY nw pvY mnmuK rhy ibllwie ] Without the True Guru, it is not obtained. The self-willed manmukhs continue to cry in misery. Eie siqgur AwgY nw invih Enw AMqir k®oDu blwie ]3] They do not bow before the True Guru; the demon of anger is within them. ||3|| hir hir hir rsu Awip hY Awpy hir rsu hoie ] The Lord Himself, Har, Har, Har, is the Sublime Essence. The Lord Himself is the Essence. Awip dieAw kir dyvsI gurmuiK AMimRqu coie ] In His Kindness, He blesses the Gurmukh with it; the Ambrosial Nectar of this Amrit trickles down. sBu qnu mnu hirAw hoieAw nwnk hir visAw min soie ]4]5]69] Then, the body and mind totally blossom forth and flourish; O Nanak, the Lord comes to dwell within the mind. ||4||5||69|| |