moree ahaN jaa-ay darsan paavat hay
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (830-9)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
morI AhM jwie drsn pwvq hy ] rwchu nwQ hI shweI sMqnw ] I am absorbed in my Lord and Master, the help and support of the Saints. Ab crn ghy ]1] rhwau ] Now, I hold tight to His Feet. ||1||Pause|| Awhy mn Avru n BwvY crnwvY crnwvY auliJE Ail mkrMd kml ijau ] My mind longs for Him, and does not love any other. I am totally absorbed, in love with His Lotus Feet, like the bumble bee attached to the honey of the lotus flower. An rs nhI cwhY eykY hir lwhY ]1] I do not desire any other taste; I seek only the One Lord. ||1|| An qy tUtIAY irK qy CUtIAY ] I have broken away from the others, and I have been released from the Messenger of Death. mn hir rs GUtIAY sMig swDU aultIAY ] O mind, drink in the subtle essence of the Lord; join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and turn away from the world. An nwhI nwhI ry ] There is no other, none other than the Lord. nwnk pRIiq crn crn hy ]2]2]129] O Nanak, love the Feet, the Feet of the Lord. ||2||2||129|| |