har bin jee-o jal bal jaa-o
rwgu isrIrwgu mhlw pihlw 1 Gru 1 ] (14-3)raag sireeraag mehlaa pahilaa 1 ghar 1. Raag Siree Raag, First Mehl, First House: |
moqI q mMdr aUsrih rqnI q hoih jVwau ] ksqUir kuMgU Agir cMdin lIip AwvY cwau ] scented with musk, saffron and sandalwood, a sheer delight to behold mqu dyiK BUlw vIsrY qyrw iciq n AwvY nwau ]1] -seeing this, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind. ||1|| hir ibnu jIau jil bil jwau ] Without the Lord, my soul is scorched and burnt. mY Awpxw guru pUiC dyiKAw Avru nwhI Qwau ]1] rhwau ] I consulted my Guru, and now I see that there is no other place at all. ||1||Pause|| DrqI q hIry lwl jVqI pliG lwl jVwau ] If the floor of this palace was a mosaic of diamonds and rubies, and if my bed was encased with rubies, mohxI muiK mxI sohY kry rMig pswau ] and if heavenly beauties, their faces adorned with emeralds, tried to entice me with sensual gestures of love mqu dyiK BUlw vIsrY qyrw iciq n AwvY nwau ]2] -seeing these, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind. ||2|| isDu hovw isiD lweI iriD AwKw Awau ] If I were to become a Siddha, and work miracles, summon wealth gupqu prgtu hoie bYsw loku rwKY Bwau ] and become invisible and visible at will, so that people would hold me in awe mqu dyiK BUlw vIsrY qyrw iciq n AwvY nwau ]3] -seeing these, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind. ||3|| sulqwnu hovw myil lskr qKiq rwKw pwau ] If I were to become an emperor and raise a huge army, and sit on a throne, hukmu hwslu krI bYTw nwnkw sB vwau ] issuing commands and collecting taxes-O Nanak, all of this could pass away like a puff of wind. mqu dyiK BUlw vIsrY qyrw iciq n AwvY nwau ]4]1] Seeing these, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind. ||4||1|| |