mohnee mohat rahai na horee
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1216-3)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
mohnI mohq rhY n horI ] swiDk isD sgl kI ipAwrI qutY n kwhU qorI ]1] rhwau ] She is the Beloved of all the Siddhas and seekers; no one can fend her off. ||1||Pause|| Ktu swsqR aucrq rsnwgr qIrQ gvn n QorI ] Reciting the six Shaastras and visiting sacred shrines of pilgrimage do not decrease her power. pUjw ck® brq nym qpIAw aUhw gYil n CorI ]1] Devotional worship, ceremonial religious marks, fasting, vows and penance - none of these will make her release her hold. ||1|| AMD kUp mih piqq hoq jgu sMqhu krhu prm giq morI ] The world has fallen into the deep dark pit. O Saints, please bless me with the supreme status of salvation. swDsMgiq nwnku BieE mukqw drsnu pyKq BorI ]2]37]60] In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, Nanak has been liberated, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, even for an instant. ||2||37||60|| |