mohan need na aavai haavai haar kajar bastar abhran keenay
rwgu iblwvlu mhlw 5 Gru 13 pVqwl (830-4)raag bilaaval mehlaa 5 ghar 13 parh-taal Raag Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Thirteenth House, Partaal: |
mohn nId n AwvY hwvY hwr kjr bsqR ABrn kIny ] aufInI aufInI aufInI ] I am sad, sad and depressed. kb Gir AwvY rI ]1] rhwau ] When will You come home? ||1||Pause|| srin suhwgin crn sIsu Dir ] I seek the Sanctuary of the happy soul-brides; I place my head upon their feet. lwlnu moih imlwvhu ] Unite me with my Beloved. kb Gir AwvY rI ]1] When will He come to my home? ||1|| sunhu shyrI imln bwq khau sgro AhM imtwvhu qau Gr hI lwlnu pwvhu ] Listen, my companions: tell me how to meet Him. Eradicate all egotism, and then you shall find your Beloved Lord within the home of your heart. qb rs mMgl gun gwvhu ] Then, in delight, you shall sing the songs of joy and praise. Awnd rUp iDAwvhu ] Meditate on the Lord, the embodiment of bliss. nwnku duAwrY AwieE ] O Nanak, I came to the Lord's Door, qau mY lwlnu pwieE rI ]2] and then, I found my Beloved. ||2|| mohn rUpu idKwvY ] The Enticing Lord has revealed His form to me, Ab moih nId suhwvY ] and now, sleep seems sweet to me. sB myrI iqKw buJwnI ] My thirst is totally quenched, Ab mY shij smwnI ] and now, I am absorbed in celestial bliss. mITI iprih khwnI ] How sweet is the story of my Husband Lord. mohnu lwlnu pwieE rI ] rhwau dUjw ]1]128] I have found my Beloved, Enticing Lord. ||Second Pause||1||128|| |