mohan ghar aavhu kara-o jodree-aa
swrg mhlw 5 dupdy Gru 4 (1209-3)saarag mehlaa 5 dupday ghar 4 Saarang, Fifth Mehl, Du-Padas, Fourth House: |
mohn Gir Awvhu krau jodrIAw ] mwnu krau AiBmwnY bolau BUl cUk qyrI ipRA icrIAw ]1] rhwau ] I act in pride, and speak in pride. I am mistaken and wrong, but I am still Your hand-maiden, O my Beloved. ||1||Pause|| inkit sunau Aru pyKau nwhI Brim Brim duK BrIAw ] I hear that You are near, but I cannot see You. I wander in suffering, deluded by doubt. hoie ik®pwl gur lwih pwrdo imlau lwl mnu hrIAw ]1] The Guru has become merciful to me; He has removed the veils. Meeting with my Beloved, my mind blossoms forth in abundance. ||1|| eyk inmK jy ibsrY suAwmI jwnau koit idns lK brIAw ] If I were to forget my Lord and Master, even for an instant, it would be like millions of days, tens of thousands of years. swDsMgiq kI BIr jau pweI qau nwnk hir sMig imrIAw ]2]1]24] When I joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, I met my Lord. ||2||1||24|| |