mohi laagtee taalaabaylee
goNf nwmdyv jI ] (874-1)gond naamdayv jee. Raag Gond, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee: |
moih lwgqI qwlwbylI ] bCry ibnu gwie AkylI ]1] Without her calf, the cow is lonely. ||1|| pwnIAw ibnu mInu qlPY ] Without water, the fish writhes in pain. AYsy rwm nwmw ibnu bwpuro nwmw ]1] rhwau ] So is poor Naam Dayv without the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause|| jYsy gwie kw bwCw CUtlw ] Like the cow's calf, which, when let loose, Qn coKqw mwKnu GUtlw ]2] sucks at her udders and drinks her milk -||2|| nwmdyau nwrwienu pwieAw ] So has Naam Dayv found the Lord. guru Bytq AlKu lKwieAw ]3] Meeting the Guru, I have seen the Unseen Lord. ||3|| jYsy ibKY hyq pr nwrI ] As the man driven by sex wants another man's wife, AYsy nwmy pRIiq murwrI ]4] so does Naam Dayv love the Lord. ||4|| jYsy qwpqy inrml Gwmw ] As the earth burns in the dazzling sunlight, qYsy rwm nwmw ibnu bwpuro nwmw ]5]4] so does poor Naam Dayv burn without the Lord's Name. ||5||4|| |