mo ka-o tooN na bisaar too na bisaar
mlwr nwmdyv jIau ] (1292-14)malaar naamdayv jee-o. Raag Malaar, The Word Of The Devotee Naam Dayv Jee: |
mo kau qUM n ibswir qU n ibswir ] qU n ibswry rwmeIAw ]1] rhwau ] please do not forget me, O Lord. ||1||Pause|| AwlwvMqI iehu BRmu jo hY muJ aUpir sB koiplw ] The temple priests have doubts about this, and everyone is furious with me. sUdu sUdu kir mwir auTwieE khw krau bwp bITulw ]1] Calling me low-caste and untouchable, they beat me and drove me out; what should I do now, O Beloved Father Lord? ||1|| mUey hUey jau mukiq dyhugy mukiq n jwnY koielw ] If You liberate me after I am dead, no one will know that I am liberated. ey pMfIAw mo kau FyF khq qyrI pYj ipCMaufI hoielw ]2] These Pandits, these religious scholars, call me low-born; when they say this, they tarnish Your honor as well. ||2|| qU ju dieAwlu ik®pwlu khIAqu hYN AiqBuj BieE Apwrlw ] You are called kind and compassionate; the power of Your Arm is absolutely unrivalled. Pyir dIAw dyhurw nwmy kau pMfIAn kau ipCvwrlw ]3]2] The Lord turned the temple around to face Naam Dayv; He turned His back on the Brahmins. ||3||2|| |