mo ka-o taar lay raamaa taar lay
goNf nwmdyau jI ] (873-16)gond naamday-o jee. Raag Gond, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee, First House: |
mo kau qwir ly rwmw qwir ly ] mY Ajwnu jnu qirby n jwnau bwp bITulw bwh dy ]1] rhwau ] I am ignorant, and I do not know how to swim. O my Beloved Father, please give me Your arm. ||1||Pause|| nr qy sur hoie jwq inmK mY siqgur buiD isKlweI ] I have been transformed from a mortal being into an angel, in an instant; the True Guru has taught me this. nr qy aupij surg kau jIiqE so AvKD mY pweI ]1] Born of human flesh, I have conquered the heavens; such is the medicine I was given. ||1|| jhw jhw DUA nwrdu tyky nYku itkwvhu moih ] Please place me where You placed Dhroo and Naarad, O my Master. qyry nwm Aivl�ib bhuqu jn auDry nwmy kI inj miq eyh ]2]3] With the Support of Your Name, so many have been saved; this is Naam Dayv's understanding. ||2||3|| |