gun gaavaa nit nit sad har kay man jeevai naam sun tayraa
vfhMsu mhlw 4 Gru 2 (561-11)vad-hans mehlaa 4 ghar 2 Wadahans, Fourth Mehl, Second House: |
mY min vfI Aws hry ikau kir hir drsnu pwvw ] hau jwie puCw Apny sqgurY gur puiC mnu mugDu smJwvw ] I go and ask my True Guru; with the Guru's advice, I shall teach my foolish mind. BUlw mnu smJY gur sbdI hir hir sdw iDAwey ] The foolish mind is instructed in the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and meditates forever on the Lord, Har, Har. nwnk ijsu ndir kry myrw ipAwrw so hir crxI icqu lwey ]1] O Nanak, one who is blessed with the Mercy of my Beloved, focuses his consciousness on the Lord's Feet. ||1|| hau siB vys krI ipr kwrix jy hir pRB swcy Bwvw ] I dress myself in all sorts of robes for my Husband, so that my True Lord God will be pleased. so ipru ipAwrw mY ndir n dyKY hau ikau kir DIrju pwvw ] But my Beloved Husband Lord does not even cast a glance in my direction; how can I be consoled? ijsu kwrix hau sIgwru sIgwrI so ipru rqw myrw Avrw ] For His sake, I adorn myself with adornments, but my Husband is imbued with the love of another. nwnk Dnu DMnu DMnu sohwgix ijin ipru rwivAVw scu svrw ]2] O Nanak, blessed, blessed, blessed is that soul-bride, who enjoys her True, Sublime Husband Lord. ||2|| hau jwie puCw sohwg suhwgix qusI ikau ipru pwieAVw pRBu myrw ] I go and ask the fortunate, happy soul-bride, "How did you attain Him - your Husband Lord, my God?" mY aUpir ndir krI ipir swcY mY CoifAVw myrw qyrw ] She answers, "My True Husband blessed me with His Mercy; I abandoned the distinction between mine and yours. sBu mnu qnu jIau krhu hir pRB kw iequ mwrig BYxy imlIAY ] Dedicate everything, mind, body and soul, to the Lord God; this is the Path to meet Him, O sister." AwpnVw pRBu ndir kir dyKY nwnk joiq joqI rlIAY ]3] If her God gazes upon her with favor, O Nanak, her light merges into the Light. ||3|| jo hir pRB kw mY dyie snyhw iqsu mnu qnu Apxw dyvw ] I dedicate my mind and body to the one who brings me a message from my Lord God. inq pKw PyrI syv kmwvw iqsu AwgY pwxI FovW ] I wave the fan over him every day, serve him and carry water for him. inq inq syv krI hir jn kI jo hir hir kQw suxwey ] Constantly and continuously, I serve the Lord's humble servant, who recites to me the sermon of the Lord, Har, Har. Dnu DMnu gurU gur siqguru pUrw nwnk min Aws pujwey ]4] Hail, hail unto the Guru, the Guru, the Perfect True Guru, who fulfills Nanak's heart's desires. ||4|| guru sjxu myrw myil hry ijqu imil hir nwmu iDAwvw ] O Lord, let me meet the Guru, my best friend; meeting Him, I meditate on the Lord's Name. gur siqgur pwshu hir gosit pUCW kir sWJI hir gux gwvW ] I seek the Lord's sermon from the Guru, the True Guru; joining with Him, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. gux gwvw inq inq sd hir ky mnu jIvY nwmu suix qyrw ] Each and every day, forever, I sing the Lord's Praises; my mind lives by hearing Your Name. nwnk ijqu vylw ivsrY myrw suAwmI iqqu vylY mir jwie jIau myrw ]5] O Nanak, that moment when I forget my Lord and Master - at that moment, my soul dies. ||5|| hir vyKx kau sBu koeI locY so vyKY ijsu Awip ivKwly ] Everyone longs to see the Lord, but he alone sees Him, whom the Lord causes to see Him. ijs no ndir kry myrw ipAwrw so hir hir sdw smwly ] One upon whom my Beloved bestows His Glance of Grace, cherishes the Lord, Har, Har forever. so hir hir nwmu sdw sdw smwly ijsu sqguru pUrw myrw imilAw ] He alone cherishes the Lord, Har, Har, forever and ever, who meets my Perfect True Guru. nwnk hir jn hir ieky hoey hir jip hir syqI rilAw ]6]1]3] O Nanak, the Lord's humble servant and the Lord become One; meditating on the Lord, he blends with the Lord. ||6||1||3|| |