mayray satiguraa mai tujh bin avar na ko-ay
isrIrwgu mhlw 4 Gru 1 ] (39-15)sireeraag mehlaa 4 ghar 1. Siree Raag, Fourth Mehl, First House: |
mY min qin ibrhu Aiq Aglw ikau pRIqmu imlY Gir Awie ] jw dyKw pRBu Awpxw pRiB dyiKAY duKu jwie ] When I see my God, seeing God Himself, my pain is taken away. jwie puCw iqn sjxw pRBu ikqu ibiD imlY imlwie ]1] I go and ask my friends, "How can I meet and merge with God?"||1|| myry siqgurw mY quJ ibnu Avru n koie ] O my True Guru, without You I have no other at all. hm mUrK mugD srxwgqI kir ikrpw myly hir soie ]1] rhwau ] I am foolish and ignorant; I seek Your Sanctuary. Please be Merciful and unite me with the Lord. ||1||Pause|| siqguru dwqw hir nwm kw pRBu Awip imlwvY soie ] The True Guru is the Giver of the Name of the Lord. God Himself causes us to meet Him. siqguir hir pRBu buiJAw gur jyvfu Avru n koie ] The True Guru understands the Lord God. There is no other as Great as the Guru. hau gur srxweI Fih pvw kir dieAw myly pRBu soie ]2] I have come and collapsed in the Guru's Sanctuary. In His Kindness, He has united me with God. ||2|| mnhiT iknY n pwieAw kir aupwv Qky sBu koie ] No one has found Him by stubborn-mindedness. All have grown weary of the effort. shs isAwxp kir rhy min korY rMgu n hoie ] Thousands of clever mental tricks have been tried, but still, the raw and undisciplined mind does not absorb the Color of the Lord's Love. kUiV kpit iknY n pwieE jo bIjY KwvY soie ]3] By falsehood and deception, none have found Him. Whatever you plant, you shall eat. ||3|| sBnw qyrI Aws pRBu sB jIA qyry qUM rwis ] O God, You are the Hope of all. All beings are Yours; You are the Wealth of all. pRB quDhu KwlI ko nhI dir gurmuKw no swbwis ] O God, none return from You empty-handed; at Your Door, the Gurmukhs are praised and acclaimed. ibKu Baujl fubdy kiF lY jn nwnk kI Ardwis ]4]1]65] In the terrifying world-ocean of poison, people are drowning-please lift them up and save them! This is servant Nanak's humble prayer. ||4||1||65|| |