mai man tan paraym agam thaakur kaa khin khin sarDhaa man bahut utha-ee-aa
iblwvlu mhlw 4 ] (836-13)bilaaval mehlaa 4. Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl: |
mY min qin pRymu Agm Twkur kw iKnu iKnu srDw min bhuqu auTeIAw ] gur dyKy srDw mn pUrI ijau cwiqRk ipRau ipRau bUMd muiK peIAw ]1] Gazing upon the Guru, my mind's faith is fulfilled, like the song-bird, which cries and cries, until the rain-drop falls into its mouth. ||1|| imlu imlu sKI hir kQw suneIAw ] Join with me, join with me, O my companions, and teach me the Sermon of the Lord. siqguru dieAw kry pRBu myly mY iqsu AwgY isru kit kit peIAw ]1] rhwau ] The True Guru has mercifully united me with God. Cutting off my head, and chopping it into pieces, I offer it to Him. ||1||Pause|| roim roim min qin iek bydn mY pRB dyKy ibnu nId n peIAw ] Each and every hair on my head, and my mind and body, suffer the pains of separation; without seeing my God, I cannot sleep. bYdk nwitk dyiK Bulwny mY ihrdY min qin pRym pIr lgeIAw ]2] The doctors and healers look at me, and are perplexed. Within my heart, mind and body, I feel the pain of divine love. ||2|| hau iKnu plu rih n skau ibnu pRIqm ijau ibnu AmlY AmlI mir geIAw ] I cannot live for a moment, for even an instant, without my Beloved, like the opium addict who cannot live without opium. ijn kau ipAws hoie pRB kyrI iqn@ Avru n BwvY ibnu hir ko dueIAw ]3] Those who thirst for God, do not love any other. Without the Lord, there is no other at all. ||3|| koeI Awin Awin myrw pRBU imlwvY hau iqsu ivthu bil bil Guim geIAw ] If only someone would come and unite me with God; I am devoted, dedicated, a sacrifice to him. Anyk jnm ky ivCuVy jn myly jw siq siq siqgur srix pveIAw ]4] After being separated from the Lord for countless incarnations, I am re-united with Him, entering the Sanctuary of the True, True, True Guru. ||4|| syj eyk eyko pRBu Twkuru mhlu n pwvY mnmuK BrmeIAw ] There is one bed for the soul-bride, and the same bed for God, her Lord and Master. The self-willed manmukh does not obtain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence; she wanders around, in limbo. guru guru krq srix jy AwvY pRBu Awie imlY iKnu FIl n peIAw ]5] Uttering, "Guru, Guru", she seeks His Sanctuary; so God comes to meet her, without a moment's delay. ||5|| kir kir ikirAwcwr vDwey min pwKMf krmu kpt loBeIAw ] One may perform many rituals, but the mind is filled with hypocrisy, evil deeds and greed. bysuAw kY Gir bytw jnimAw ipqw qwih ikAw nwmu sdeIAw ]6] When a son is born in the house of a prostitute, who can tell the name of his father? ||6|| pUrb jnim Bgiq kir Awey guir hir hir hir hir Bgiq jmeIAw ] Because of devotional worship in my past incarnations, I have been born into this life. The Guru has inspired me to worship the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. Bgiq Bgiq krqy hir pwieAw jw hir hir hir hir nwim smeIAw ]7] Worshipping, worshipping Him with devotion, I found the Lord, and then I merged into the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. ||7|| pRiB Awix Awix mihMdI pIsweI Awpy Goil Goil AMig leIAw ] God Himself came and ground the henna leaves into powder, and applied it to my body. ijn kau Twkuir ikrpw DwrI bwh pkir nwnk kiF leIAw ]8]6]2]1]6]9] Our Lord and Master showers His Mercy upon us, and grasps hold of our arms; O Nanak, He lifts us up and saves us. ||8||6||9||2||1||6||9|| |