mai man chaa-o ghanaa saach vigaasee raam
iblwvlu mhlw 1 ] (843-18)bilaaval mehlaa 1. Bilaaval, First Mehl: |
mY min cwau Gxw swic ivgwsI rwm ] mohI pRym ipry pRiB AibnwsI rwm ] I am enticed by the love of my Husband Lord, the Eternal, Imperishable Lord God. Aivgqo hir nwQu nwQh iqsY BwvY so QIAY ] The Lord is everlasting, the Master of masters. Whatever He wills, happens. ikrpwlu sdw dieAwlu dwqw jIAw AMdir qUM jIAY ] O Great Giver, You are always kind and compassionate. You infuse life into all living beings. mY Avru igAwnu n iDAwnu pUjw hir nwmu AMqir vis rhy ] I have no other spiritual wisdom, meditation or worship; the Name of the Lord alone dwells deep within me. ByKu BvnI hTu n jwnw nwnkw scu gih rhy ]1] I know nothing about religious robes, pilgrimages or stubborn fanaticism; O Nanak, I hold tight to the Truth. ||1|| iBMnVI rYix BlI idns suhwey rwm ] The night is beautiful, drenched with dew, and the day is delightful, inj Gir sUqVIey iprmu jgwey rwm ] when her Husband Lord wakes the sleeping soul-bride, in the home of the self. nv hwix nv Dn sbid jwgI Awpxy ipr BwxIAw ] The young bride has awakened to the Word of the Shabad; she is pleasing to her Husband Lord. qij kUVu kptu suBwau dUjw cwkrI lokwxIAw ] So renounce falsehood, fraud, love of duality and working for people. mY nwmu hir kw hwru kMTy swc sbdu nIswixAw ] The Name of the Lord is my necklace, and I am anointed with the True Shabad. kr joiV nwnku swcu mwgY ndir kir quDu BwixAw ]2] With his palms pressed together, Nanak begs for the gift of the True Name; please, bless me with Your Grace, through the pleasure of Your Will. ||2|| jwgu slonVIey bolY gurbwxI rwm ] Awake, O bride of splendored eyes, and chant the Word of the Guru's Bani. ijin suix mMinAVI AkQ khwxI rwm ] Listen, and place your faith in the Unspoken Speech of the Lord. AkQ khwxI pdu inrbwxI ko ivrlw gurmuiK bUJey ] The Unspoken Speech, the state of Nirvaanaa - how rare is the Gurmukh who understands this. Ehu sbid smwey Awpu gvwey iqRBvx soJI sUJey ] Merging in the Word of the Shabad, self-conceit is eradicated, and the three worlds are revealed to her understanding. rhY AqIqu AprMpir rwqw swcu min gux swirAw ] Remaining detached, with infinity infusing, the true mind cherishes the virtues of the Lord. Ehu pUir rihAw srb TweI nwnkw auir DwirAw ]3] He is fully pervading and permeating all places; Nanak has enshrined Him within his heart. ||3|| mhil bulwieVIey Bgiq snyhI rwm ] The Lord is calling you to the Mansion of His Presence; O soul-bride, He is the Lover of His devotees. gurmiq min rhsI sIJis dyhI rwm ] Following the Guru's Teachings, your mind shall be delighted, and your body shall be fulfilled. mnu mwir rIJY sbid sIJY qRY lok nwQu pCwxey ] Conquer and subdue your mind, and love the Word of the Shabad; reform yourself, and realize the Lord of the three worlds. mnu fIig foil n jwie kq hI Awpxw ipru jwxey ] Her mind shall not waver or wander anywhere else, when she comes to know her Husband Lord. mY AwDwru qyrw qU Ksmu myrw mY qwxu qkIAw qyrE ] You are my only Support, You are my Lord and Master. You are my strength and anchor. swic sUcw sdw nwnk gur sbid Jgru inbyrE ]4]2] She is forever truthful and pure, O Nanak; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, conflicts are resolved. ||4||2|| |