mai kaaman mayraa kant kartaar
BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1128-13)bhairo mehlaa 3. Bhairao, Third Mehl: |
mY kwmix myrw kMqu krqwru ] jyhw krwey qyhw krI sIgwru ]1] As He inspires me, I adorn myself. ||1|| jW iqsu BwvY qW kry Bogu ] When it pleases Him, He enjoys me. qnu mnu swcy swihb jogu ]1] rhwau ] I am joined, body and mind, to my True Lord and Master. ||1||Pause|| ausqiq inMdw kry ikAw koeI ] How can anyone praise or slander anyone else? jW Awpy vrqY eyko soeI ]2] The One Lord Himself is pervading and permeating all. ||2|| gur prswdI iprm ksweI ] By Guru's Grace, I am attracted by His Love. imlaugI dieAwl pMc sbd vjweI ]3] I shall meet with my Merciful Lord, and vibrate the Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds. ||3|| Bniq nwnku kry ikAw koie ] Prays Nanak, what can anyone do? ijs no Awip imlwvY soie ]4]4] He alone meets with the Lord, whom the Lord Himself meets. ||4||4|| |