mayro man jat kat tujheh samHaarai
swrg mhlw 5 ] (1214-13)saarag mehlaa 5. Saarang, Fifth Mehl: |
myro mnu jq kq quJih sm@wrY ] hm bwirk dIn ipqw pRB myry ijau jwnih iqau pwrY ]1] rhwau ] I am Your meek and helpless child; You are God my Father. As You know me, You save me. ||1||Pause|| jb BuKO qb Bojnu mWgY AGwey sUK sGwrY ] When I am hungry, I ask for food; when I am full, I am totally at peace. qb Arog jb qum sMig bsqO Cutkq hoie rvwrY ]1] When I dwell with You, I am free of disease; if I become separated from You, I turn to dust. ||1|| kvn bsyro dws dwsn ko Qwipau QwpnhwrY ] What power does the slave of Your slave have, O Establisher and Disestablisher? nwmu n ibsrY qb jIvnu pweIAY ibnqI nwnk ieh swrY ]2]29]52] If I do not forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord, then I die. Nanak offers this prayer. ||2||29||52|| |