mayraa man tan mohi lee-aa jee-o daykh chalat tumaaray

rwgu gauVI CMq mhlw 5 (247-7)
raag ga-orhee chhant mehlaa 5
Raag Gauree, Chhant, Fifth Mehl:

myrY min bYrwgu BieAw jIau ikau dyKw pRB dwqy ]
mayrai man bairaag bha-i-aa jee-o ki-o daykhaa parabh daatay.
My mind has become sad and depressed; how can I see God, the Great Giver?

myry mIq sKw hir jIau gur purK ibDwqy ]
mayray meet sakhaa har jee-o gur purakh biDhaatay.
My Friend and Companion is the Dear Lord, the Guru, the Architect of Destiny.

purKo ibDwqw eyku sRIDru ikau imlh quJY aufIxIAw ]
purkho biDhaataa ayk sareeDhar ki-o milah tujhai udeenee-aa.
The One Lord, the Architect of Destiny, is the Master of the Goddess of Wealth; how can I, in my sadness, meet You?

kr krih syvw sIsu crxI min Aws drs inmwxIAw ]
kar karahi sayvaa sees charnee man aas daras nimaanee-aa.
My hands serve You, and my head is at Your Feet. My mind, dishonored, yearns for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

swis swis n GVI ivsrY plu mUrqu idnu rwqy ]
saas saas na gharhee visrai pal moorat din raatay.
With each and every breath, I think of You, day and night; I do not forget You, for an instant, even for a moment.

nwnk swirMg ijau ipAwsy ikau imlIAY pRB dwqy ]1]
naanak saaring ji-o pi-aasay ki-o milee-ai parabh daatay. ||1||
O Nanak, I am thirsty, like the rainbird; how can I meet God, the Great Giver? ||1||

iek ibnau krau jIau suix kMq ipAwry ]
ik bin-o kara-o jee-o sun kant pi-aaray.
I offer this one prayer - please listen, O my Beloved Husband Lord.

myrw mnu qnu moih lIAw jIau dyiK clq qumwry ]
mayraa man tan mohi lee-aa jee-o daykh chalat tumaaray.
My mind and body are enticed, beholding Your wondrous play.

clqw qumwry dyiK mohI audws Dn ikau DIrey ]
chaltaa tumaaray daykh mohee udaas Dhan ki-o Dheer-ay.
Beholding Your wondrous play, I am enticed; but how can the sad, forlorn bride find contentment?

guxvMq nwh dieAwlu bwlw srb gux BrpUrey ]
gunvant naah da-i-aal baalaa sarab gun bharpoor-ay.
My Lord is Meritorious, Merciful and Eternally Young; He is overflowing with all excellences.

ipr dosu nwhI suKh dwqy hau ivCuVI buirAwry ]
pir dos naahee sukhah daatay ha-o vichhurhee buri-aaray.
The fault is not with my Husband Lord, the Giver of peace; I am separated from Him by my own mistakes.

ibnvMiq nwnk dieAw Dwrhu Gir Awvhu nwh ipAwry ]2]
binvant naanak da-i-aa Dhaarahu ghar aavhu naah pi-aaray. ||2||
Prays Nanak, please be merciful to me, and return home, O my Beloved Husband Lord. ||2||

hau mnu ArpI sBu qnu ArpI ArpI siB dysw ]
ha-o man arpee sabh tan arpee arpee sabh daysaa.
I surrender my mind, I surrender my whole body; I surrender all my lands.

hau isru ArpI iqsu mIq ipAwry jo pRB dyie sdysw ]
ha-o sir arpee tis meet pi-aaray jo parabh day-ay sadaysaa.
I surrender my head to that beloved friend, who brings me news of God.

AripAw q sIsu suQwin gur pih sMig pRBU idKwieAw ]
arpi-aa ta sees suthaan gur peh sang parabhoo dikhaa-i-aa.
I have offered my head to the Guru, the most exalted; He has shown me that God is with me.

iKn mwih sglw dUKu imitAw mnhu icMidAw pwieAw ]
khin maahi saglaa dookh miti-aa manhu chindi-aa paa-i-aa.
In an instant, all suffering is removed. I have obtained all my mind's desires.

idnu rYix rlIAw krY kwmix imty sgl AMdysw ]
din rain ralee-aa karai kaaman mitay sagal andaysaa.
Day and night, the soul-bride makes merry; all her anxieties are erased.

ibnvMiq nwnku kMqu imilAw loVqy hm jYsw ]3]
binvant naanak kant mili-aa lorh-tay ham jaisaa. ||3||
Prays Nanak, I have met the Husband Lord of my longing. ||3||

myrY min Andu BieAw jIau vjI vwDweI ]
mayrai man anad bha-i-aa jee-o vajee vaaDhaa-ee.
My mind is filled with bliss, and congratulations are pouring in.

Gir lwlu AwieAw ipAwrw sB iqKw buJweI ]
ghar laal aa-i-aa pi-aaraa sabh tikhaa bujhaa-ee.
My Darling Beloved has come home to me, and all my desires have been satisfied.

imilAw q lwlu gupwlu Twkuru sKI mMglu gwieAw ]
mili-aa ta laal gupaal thaakur sakhee mangal gaa-i-aa.
I have met my Sweet Lord and Master of the Universe, and my companions sing the songs of joy.

sB mIq bMDp hrKu aupijAw dUq Qwau gvwieAw ]
sabh meet banDhap harakh upji-aa doot thaa-o gavaa-i-aa.
All my friends and relatives are happy, and all traces of my enemies have been removed.

Anhq vwjy vjih Gr mih ipr sMig syj ivCweI ]
anhat vaajay vajeh ghar meh pir sang sayj vichhaa-ee.
The unstruck melody vibrates in my home, and the bed has been made up for my Beloved.

ibnvMiq nwnku shij rhY hir imilAw kMqu suKdweI ]4]1]
binvant naanak sahj rahai har mili-aa kant sukh-daa-ee. ||4||1||
Prays Nanak, I am in celestial bliss. I have obtained the Lord, the Giver of peace, as my Husband. ||4||1||