naam japahu mayray saajan sainaa
Awsw mhlw 4 ] (366-16)aasaa mehlaa 4. Aasaa, Fourth Mehl: |
myrY min qin pRymu nwmu AwDwru ] nwmu jpI nwmo suK swru ]1] I chant the Naam; the Naam is the essence of peace. ||1|| nwmu jphu myry swjn sYnw ] So chant the Naam, O my friends and companions. nwm ibnw mY Avru n koeI vfY Bwig gurmuiK hir lYnw ]1] rhwau ] Without the Naam, there is nothing else for me. By great good fortune, as Gurmukh, I have received the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause|| nwm ibnw nhI jIivAw jwie ] Without the Naam, I cannot live. vfY Bwig gurmuiK hir pwie ]2] By great good fortune, the Gurmukhs obtain the Naam. ||2|| nwmhIn kwlK muiK mwieAw ] Those who lack the Naam have their faces rubbed in the dirt of Maya. nwm ibnw iDRgu iDRgu jIvwieAw ]3] Without the Naam, cursed, cursed are their lives. ||3|| vfw vfw hir Bwg kir pwieAw ] The Great Lord is obtained by great good destiny. nwnk gurmuiK nwmu idvwieAw ]4]4]56] O Nanak, the Gurmukh is blessed with the Naam. ||4||4||56|| |