mayray laal bhalo ray bhalo ray bhalo har mangnaa
DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (678-14)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
myry lwl Blo ry Blo ry Blo hir mMgnw ] dyKhu pswir nYn sunhu swDU ky bYn pRwnpiq iciq rwKu sgl hY mrnw ] rhwau ] Behold, with your eyes wide-open, and listen to the Words of the Holy Saints; enshrine in your consciousness the Lord of Life - remember that all must die. ||Pause|| cMdn coAw rs Bog krq AnykY ibiKAw ibkwr dyKu sgl hY PIky eykY goibd ko nwmu nIko khq hY swD jn ] The application of sandalwood oil, the enjoyment of pleasures and the practice of many corrupt sins - look upon all of these as insipid and worthless. The Name of the Lord of the Universe alone is sublime; so say the Holy Saints. qnu Dnu Awpn QwipE hir jpu n inmK jwipE ArQu dRbu dyKu kCu sMig nwhI clnw ]1] You claim that your body and wealth are your own; you do not chant the Lord's Name even for an instant. Look and see, that none of your possessions or riches shall go along with you. ||1|| jw ko ry krmu Blw iqin Et ghI sMq plw iqn nwhI ry jmu sMqwvY swDU kI sMgnw ] One who has good karma, grasps the Protection of the hem of the Saint's robe; in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Messenger of Death cannot threaten him. pwieE ry prm inDwnu imitE hY AiBmwnu eykY inrMkwr nwnk mnu lgnw ]2]2]30] I have obtained the supreme treasure, and my egotism has been eradicated; Nanak's mind is attached to the One Formless Lord. ||2||2||30|| |