mayray laal bhalo ray bhalo ray bhalo har mangnaa

DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (678-14)
Dhanaasree mehlaa 5.
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:

myry lwl Blo ry Blo ry Blo hir mMgnw ]
mayray laal bhalo ray bhalo ray bhalo har mangnaa.
O my dear beloved, it is good, it is better, it is best, to ask for the Lord's Name.

dyKhu pswir nYn sunhu swDU ky bYn pRwnpiq iciq rwKu sgl hY mrnw ] rhwau ]
daykhhu pasaar nain sunhu saaDhoo kay bain paraanpat chit raakh sagal hai marnaa. rahaa-o.
Behold, with your eyes wide-open, and listen to the Words of the Holy Saints; enshrine in your consciousness the Lord of Life - remember that all must die. ||Pause||

cMdn coAw rs Bog krq AnykY ibiKAw ibkwr dyKu sgl hY PIky eykY goibd ko nwmu nIko khq hY swD jn ]
chandan cho-aa ras bhog karat anaykai bikhi-aa bikaar daykh sagal hai feekay aykai gobid ko naam neeko kahat hai saaDh jan.
The application of sandalwood oil, the enjoyment of pleasures and the practice of many corrupt sins - look upon all of these as insipid and worthless. The Name of the Lord of the Universe alone is sublime; so say the Holy Saints.

qnu Dnu Awpn QwipE hir jpu n inmK jwipE ArQu dRbu dyKu kCu sMig nwhI clnw ]1]
tan Dhan aapan thaapi-o har jap na nimakh jaapi-o arath darab daykh kachh sang naahee chalnaa. ||1||
You claim that your body and wealth are your own; you do not chant the Lord's Name even for an instant. Look and see, that none of your possessions or riches shall go along with you. ||1||

jw ko ry krmu Blw iqin Et ghI sMq plw iqn nwhI ry jmu sMqwvY swDU kI sMgnw ]
jaa ko ray karam bhalaa tin ot gahee sant palaa tin naahee ray jam santaavai saaDhoo kee sangnaa.
One who has good karma, grasps the Protection of the hem of the Saint's robe; in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Messenger of Death cannot threaten him.

pwieE ry prm inDwnu imitE hY AiBmwnu eykY inrMkwr nwnk mnu lgnw ]2]2]30]
paa-i-o ray param niDhaan miti-o hai abhimaan aykai nirankaar naanak man lagnaa. ||2||2||30||
I have obtained the supreme treasure, and my egotism has been eradicated; Nanak's mind is attached to the One Formless Lord. ||2||2||30||