mayray man pareet charan parabh parsan
kwnVw mhlw 5 ] (1303-10)kaanrhaa mehlaa 5. Kaanraa, Fifth Mehl: |
myry mn pRIiq crn pRB prsn ] rsnw hir hir Bojin iqRpqwnI AKIAn kau sMqoKu pRB drsn ]1] rhwau ] My tongue is satisfied with the Food of the Lord, Har, Har. My eyes are contented with the Blessed Vision of God. ||1||Pause|| krnin pUir rihE jsu pRIqm klml doK sgl ml hrsn ] My ears are filled with the Praise of my Beloved; all my foul sins and faults are erased. pwvn Dwvn suAwmI suK pMQw AMg sMg kwieAw sMq srsn ]1] My feet follow the Path of Peace to my Lord and Master; my body and limbs joyfully blossom forth in the Society of the Saints. ||1|| srin ghI pUrn AibnwsI Awn aupwv Qikq nhI krsn ] I have taken Sanctuary in my Perfect, Eternal, Imperishable Lord. I do not bother trying anything else. kru gih lIey nwnk jn Apny AMD Gor swgr nhI mrsn ]2]10]29] Taking them by the hand, O Nanak, God saves His humble servants; they shall not perish in the deep, dark world-ocean. ||2||10||29|| |