mayray man jap har har raam rangay.
nt mhlw 4 ] (976-7)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: |
myry mn jip hir hir rwm rMgy ] hir hir ik®pw krI jgdIsuir hir iDAwieE jn pig lgy ]1] rhwau ] When the Lord of the Universe, Har, Har, granted His Grace, then I fell at the feet of the humble, and I meditate on the Lord. ||1||Pause|| jnm jnm ky BUl cUk hm Ab Awey pRB srngy ] Mistaken and confused for so many past lives, I have now come and entered the Sanctuary of God. qum srxwgiq pRiqpwlk suAwmI hm rwKhu vf pwpgy ]1] O my Lord and Master, You are the Cherisher of those who come to Your Sanctuary. I am such a great sinner - please save me! ||1|| qumrI sMgiq hir ko ko n auDirE pRB kIey piqq pvgy ] Associating with You, Lord, who would not be saved? Only God sanctifies the sinners. gun gwvq CIpw dustwirE pRiB rwKI pYj jngy ]2] Naam Dayv, the calico printer, was driven out by the evil villains, as he sang Your Glorious Praises; O God, You protected the honor of Your humble servant. ||2|| jo qumry gun gwvih suAwmI hau bil bil bil iqngy ] Those who sing Your Glorious Praises, O my Lord and Master - I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to them. Bvn Bvn pivqR siB kIey jh DUir prI jn pgy ]3] Those houses and homes are sanctified, upon which the dust of the feet of the humble settles. ||3|| qumry gun pRB kih n skih hm qum vf vf purK vfgy ] I cannot describe Your Glorious Virtues, God; You are the greatest of the great, O Great Primal Lord God. jn nwnk kau dieAw pRB Dwrhu hm syvh qum jn pgy ]4]4] Please shower Your Mercy upon servant Nanak, God; I serve at the feet of Yor humble servants. ||4||4|| |