naanak sukh paa-i-aa har keertan miti-o sagal kalaysaa
gauVI pUrbI mhlw 5 ] (213-3)ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
myry mn guru guru guru sd krIAY ] rqn jnmu sPlu guir kIAw drsn kau bilhrIAY ]1] rhwau ] The Guru has made the jewel of this human life prosperous and fruitful. I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||1||Pause|| jyqy sws gRws mnu lyqw qyqy hI gun gweIAY ] As many breaths and morsels as you take, O my mind - so many times, sing His Glorious Praises. jau hoie dYAwlu siqguru Apunw qw ieh miq buiD pweIAY ]1] When the True Guru becomes merciful, then this wisdom and understanding is obtained. ||1|| myry mn nwim ley jm bMD qy CUtih srb suKw suK pweIAY ] O my mind, taking the Naam, you shall be released from the bondage of death, and the peace of all peace will be found. syiv suAwmI siqguru dwqw mn bMCq Pl AweIAY ]2] Serving your Lord and Master, the True Guru, the Great Giver, you shall obtain the fruits of your mind's desires. ||2|| nwmu iestu mIq suq krqw mn sMig quhwrY cwlY ] The Name of the Creator is your beloved friend and child; it alone shall go along with you, O my mind. kir syvw siqgur Apuny kI gur qy pweIAY pwlY ]3] So serve your True Guru, and you shall receive the Name from the Guru. ||3|| guir ikrpwil ik®pw pRiB DwrI ibnsy srb AMdysw ] When God, the Merciful Guru, showered His Mercy upon me, all my anxieties were dispelled. nwnk suKu pwieAw hir kIrqin imitE sgl klysw ]4]15]153] Nanak has found the peace of the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises. All his sorrows have been dispelled. ||4||15||153|| |