mayree patee-aa likhahu har govind gopaalaa
BYrau mhlw 3 ] (1133-1)bhairo mehlaa 3. Bhairao, Third Mehl: |
myrI ptIAw ilKhu hir goivMd gopwlw ] dUjY Bwie PwQy jm jwlw ] In the love of duality, the mortals are caught in the noose of the Messenger of Death. siqguru kry myrI pRiqpwlw ] The True Guru nurtures and sustains me. hir suKdwqw myrY nwlw ]1] The Lord, the Giver of peace, is always with me. ||1|| gur aupdyis pRihlwdu hir aucrY ] Following his Guru's instructions, Prahlaad chanted the Lord's Name; swsnw qy bwlku gmu n krY ]1] rhwau ] he was a child, but he was not afraid when his teacher yelled at him. ||1||Pause|| mwqw aupdysY pRihlwd ipAwry ] Prahlaad's mother gave her beloved son some advice: puqR rwm nwmu Cofhu jIau lyhu aubwry ] "My son, you must abandon the Lord's Name, and save your life!" pRihlwdu khY sunhu myrI mwie ] Prahlaad said: "Listen, O my mother; rwm nwmu n Cofw guir dIAw buJwie ]2] I shall never give up the Lord's Name. My Guru has taught me this."||2|| sMfw mrkw siB jwie pukwry ] Sandaa and Markaa, his teachers, went to his father the king, and complained: pRihlwdu Awip ivgiVAw siB cwtVy ivgwVy ] "Prahlaad himself has gone astray, and he leads all the other pupils astray." dust sBw mih mMqRü pkwieAw ] In the court of the wicked king, a plan was hatched. pRhlwd kw rwKw hoie rGurwieAw ]3] God is the Savior of Prahlaad. ||3|| hwiQ KVgu kir DwieAw Aiq AhMkwir ] With sword in hand, and with great egotistical pride, Prahlaad's father ran up to him. hir qyrw khw quJu ley aubwir ] "Where is your Lord, who will save you?" iKn mih BYAwn rUpu inkisAw QMm@ aupwiV ] In an instant, the Lord appeared in a dreadful form, and shattered the pillar. hrxwKsu nKI ibdwirAw pRhlwdu lIAw aubwir ]4] Harnaakhash was torn apart by His claws, and Prahlaad was saved. ||4|| sMq jnw ky hir jIau kwrj svwry ] The Dear Lord completes the tasks of the Saints. pRhlwd jn ky iekIh kul auDwry ] He saved twenty-one generations of Prahlaad's descendents. gur kY sbid haumY ibKu mwry ] Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the poison of egotism is neutralized. nwnk rwm nwim sMq insqwry ]5]10]20] O Nanak, through the Name of the Lord, the Saints are emancipated. ||5||10||20|| |