raam gus-ee-aa jee-a kay jeevnaa
rwgu gauVI rivdws jI ky pdy gauVI guAwryrI (345-9)raag ga-orhee ravidaas jee kay paday ga-orhee gu-aarayree Raag Gauree, Padas Of Ravi Daas Jee, Gauree Gwaarayree: |
myrI sMgiq poc soc idnu rwqI ] myrw krmu kuitlqw jnmu kuBWqI ]1] my actions are crooked, and I am of lowly birth. ||1|| rwm guseIAw jIA ky jIvnw ] O Lord, Master of the earth, Life of the soul, moih n ibswrhu mY jnu qyrw ]1] rhwau ] please do not forget me! I am Your humble servant. ||1||Pause|| myrI hrhu ibpiq jn krhu suBweI ] Take away my pains, and bless Your humble servant with Your Sublime Love. crx n Cwfau srIr kl jweI ]2] I shall not leave Your Feet, even though my body may perish. ||2|| khu rivdws prau qyrI swBw ] Says Ravi Daas, I seek the protection of Your Sanctuary; byig imlhu jn kir n iblWbw ]3]1] please, meet Your humble servant - do not delay! ||3||1|| |