mayraa satgur rakhvaalaa ho-aa
soriT mhlw 5 ] (620-17)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
myrw siqguru rKvwlw hoAw ] Dwir ik®pw pRB hwQ dy rwiKAw hir goivdu nvw inroAw ]1] rhwau ] Showering us with His Mercy and Grace, God extended His Hand, and saved Hargobind, who is now safe and secure. ||1||Pause|| qwpu gieAw pRiB Awip imtwieAw jn kI lwj rKweI ] The fever is gone - God Himself eradicated it, and preserved the honor of His servant. swDsMgiq qy sB Pl pwey siqgur kY bil jWeI ]1] I have obtained all blessings from the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; I am a sacrifice to the True Guru. ||1|| hlqu plqu pRB dovY svwry hmrw guxu Avguxu n bIcwirAw ] God has saved me, both here and hereafter. He has not taken my merits and demerits into account. Atl bcnu nwnk gur qyrw sPl kru msqik DwirAw ]2]21]49] Your Word is eternal, O Guru Nanak; You placed Your Hand of blessing upon my forehead. ||2||21||49|| |