moo laalan si-o pareet banee
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (827-3)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
mU lwln isau pRIiq bnI ] rhwau ] qorI n qUtY CorI n CUtY AYsI mwDo iKMc qnI ]1] Cutting it, it does not break, and releasing it, it does not let go. Such is the string the Lord has tied me with. ||1|| idnsu rYin mn mwih bsqu hY qU kir ikrpw pRB ApnI ]2] Day and night, He dwells within my mind; please bless me with Your Mercy, O my God. ||2|| bil bil jwau isAwm suMdr kau AkQ kQw jw kI bwq sunI ]3] I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to my beauteous Lord; I have heard his Unspoken Speech and Story. ||3|| jn nwnk dwsin dwsu khIAq hY moih krhu ik®pw Twkur ApunI ]4]28]114] Servant Nanak is said to be the slave of His slaves; O my Lord and Master, please bless me with Your Mercy. ||4||28||114|| |