mul khareedee laalaa golaa mayraa naa-o sabhaagaa
mwrU mhlw 1 ] (991-1)maaroo mehlaa 1. Maaroo, First Mehl: |
mul KrIdI lwlw golw myrw nwau sBwgw ] gur kI bcnI hwit ibkwnw ijqu lwieAw iqqu lwgw ]1] I sold myself at Your store in exchange for the Guru's Word; whatever You link me to, to that I am linked. ||1|| qyry lwly ikAw cqurweI ] What cleverness can Your servant try with You? swihb kw hukmu n krxw jweI ]1] rhwau ] O my Lord and Master, I cannot carry out the Hukam of Your Command. ||1||Pause|| mw lwlI ipau lwlw myrw hau lwly kw jwieAw ] My mother is Your slave, and my father is Your slave; I am the child of Your slaves. lwlI nwcY lwlw gwvY Bgiq krau qyrI rwieAw ]2] My slave mother dances, and my slave father sings; I practice devotional worship to You, O my Sovereign Lord. ||2|| pIAih q pwxI AwxI mIrw Kwih q pIsx jwau ] If You wish to drink, then I shall get water for You; if You wish to eat, I shall grind the corn for You. pKw PyrI pYr mlovw jpq rhw qyrw nwau ]3] I wave the fan over You, and wash Your feet, and continue to chant Your Name. ||3|| lUx hrwmI nwnku lwlw bKisih quDu vifAweI ] I have been untrue to myself, but Nanak is Your slave; please forgive him, by Your glorious greatness. Awid jugwid dieAwpiq dwqw quDu ivxu mukiq n pweI ]4]6] Since the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages, You have been the merciful and generous Lord. Without You, liberation cannot be attained. ||4||6|| |