mun jogee saastarag kahaavat sabh keenHay bas apnahee
gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (498-19)goojree mehlaa 5. Goojaree, Fifth Mehl: |
muin jogI swsqRig khwvq sB kIn@y bis ApnhI ] qIin dyv Aru koiV qyqIsw iqn kI hYriq kCu n rhI ]1] The three gods, and the 330,000,000 demi-gods, were astonished. ||1|| blvMiq ibAwip rhI sB mhI ] The power of Maya is pervading everywhere. Avru n jwnis koaU mrmw gur ikrpw qy lhI ]1] rhwau ] Her secret is known only by Guru's Grace - no one else knows it. ||1||Pause|| jIiq jIiq jIqy siB Qwnw sgl Bvn lpthI ] Conquering and conquering, she has conquered everywhere, and she clings to the whole world. khu nwnk swD qy BwgI hoie cyrI crn ghI ]2]5]14] Says Nanak, she surrenders to the Holy Saint; becoming his servant, she falls at his feet. ||2||5||14|| |