mukaam kar ghar baisnaa nit chalnai kee Dhokh
isrIrwgu mhlw 1 Gru 2 ] (64-4)sireeraag mehlaa 1 ghar 2. Siree Raag, First Mehl, Second House: |
mukwmu kir Gir bYsxw inq clxY kI DoK ] mukwmu qw pru jwxIAY jw rhY inhclu lok ]1] This would be known as a lasting place of rest, only if they were to remain stable and unchanging. ||1|| dunIAw kYis mukwmy ] What sort of a resting place is this world? kir isdku krxI Krcu bwDhu lwig rhu nwmy ]1] rhwau ] Doing deeds of faith, pack up the supplies for your journey, and remain committed to the Name. ||1||Pause|| jogI q Awsxu kir bhY mulw bhY mukwim ] The Yogis sit in their Yogic postures, and the Mullahs sit at their resting stations. pMifq vKwxih poQIAw isD bhih dyv sQwin ]2] The Hindu Pandits recite from their books, and the Siddhas sit in the temples of their gods. ||2|| sur isD gx gMDrb muin jn syK pIr slwr ] The angels, Siddhas, worshippers of Shiva, heavenly musicians, silent sages, Saints, priests, preachers, spiritual teachers and commanders dir kUc kUcw kir gey Avry iB clxhwr ]3] -each and every one has left, and all others shall depart as well. ||3|| sulqwn Kwn mlUk aumry gey kir kir kUcu ] The sultans and kings, the rich and the mighty, have marched away in succession. GVI muhiq ik clxw idl smJu qUM iB phUcu ]4] In a moment or two, we shall also depart. O my heart, understand that you must go as well! ||4|| sbdwh mwih vKwxIAY ivrlw q bUJY koie ] This is described in the Shabads; only a few understand this! nwnku vKwxY bynqI jil Qil mhIAil soie ]5] Nanak offers this prayer to the One who pervades the water, the land and the air. ||5|| Alwhu AlKu AgMmu kwdru krxhwru krImu ] He is Allah, the Unknowable, the Inaccessible, All-powerful and Merciful Creator. sB dunI Awvx jwvxI mukwmu eyku rhImu ]6] All the world comes and goes-only the Merciful Lord is permanent. ||6|| mukwmu iqs no AwKIAY ijsu isis n hovI lyKu ] Call permanent only the One, who does not have destiny inscribed upon His Forehead. Asmwnu DrqI clsI mukwmu EhI eyku ]7] The sky and the earth shall pass away; He alone is permanent. ||7|| idn riv clY inis sis clY qwirkw lK ploie ] The day and the sun shall pass away; the night and the moon shall pass away; the hundreds of thousands of stars shall disappear. mukwmu EhI eyku hY nwnkw scu bugoie ]8]17] He alone is permanent; Nanak speaks the Truth. ||8||17|| |