munDh joban baalrhee-ay mayraa pir ralee-aalaa raam
rwgu Awsw mhlw 1 CMq Gru 1 (435-19)raag aasaa mehlaa 1 chhant ghar 1 Raag Aasaa, First Mehl, Chhant, First House: |
muMD jobin bwlVIey myrw ipru rlIAwlw rwm ] Dn ipr nyhu Gxw ris pRIiq dieAwlw rwm ] When the bride enshrines great love for her Husband Lord, He becomes merciful, and loves her in return. Dn iprih mylw hoie suAwmI Awip pRBu ikrpw kry ] The soul-bride meets her Husband Lord, when the Lord Master Himself showers His favor upon her. syjw suhwvI sMig ipr kY swq sr AMimRq Bry ] Her bed is decorated in the company of her Beloved, and her seven pools are filled with ambrosial nectar. kir dieAw mieAw dieAwl swcy sbid imil gux gwvE ] Be kind and compassionate to me, O Merciful True Lord, that I may obtain the Word of the Shabad, and sing Your Glorious Praises. nwnkw hir vru dyiK ibgsI muMD min EmwhE ]1] O Nanak, gazing upon her Husband Lord, the soul-bride is delighted, and her mind is filled with joy. ||1|| muMD shij slonVIey iek pRym ibn�qI rwm ] O bride of natural beauty, offer your loving prayers to the Lord. mY min qin hir BwvY pRB sMgim rwqI rwm ] The Lord is pleasing to my mind and body; I am intoxicated in my Lord God's Company. pRB pRyim rwqI hir ibn�qI nwim hir kY suiK vsY ] Imbued with the Love of God, I pray to the Lord, and through the Lord's Name, I abide in peace. qau gux pCwxih qw pRBu jwxih guxh vis Avgx nsY ] If you recognize His Glorious Virtues, then you shall come to know God; thus virtue shall dwell in you, and sin shall run away. quDu bwJu ieku iqlu rih n swkw khix sunix n DIjey ] Without You, I cannot survive, even for an instant; by merely talking and listening about You, I am not satisfied. nwnkw ipRau ipRau kir pukwry rsn ris mnu BIjey ]2] Nanak proclaims, "O Beloved, O Beloved!" His tongue and mind are drenched with the Lord's sublime essence. ||2|| sKIho shylVIho myrw ipru vxjwrw rwm ] O my companions and friends, my Husband Lord is the merchant. hir nwmuo vxMjiVAw ris moil Apwrw rwm ] I have purchased the Lord's Name; its sweetness and value are unlimited. moil Amolo sc Gir Folo pRB BwvY qw muMD BlI ] His value is invaluable; the Beloved dwells in His true home. If it is pleasing to God, then He blesses His bride. ieik sMig hir kY krih rlIAw hau pukwrI dir KlI ] Some enjoy sweet pleasures with the Lord, while I stand crying at His door. krx kwrx smrQ sRIDr Awip kwrju swrey ] The Creator, the Cause of causes, the All-powerful Lord Himself arranges our affairs. nwnk ndrI Dn sohwgix sbdu AB swDwrey ]3] O Nanak, blessed is the soul-bride, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace; she enshrines the Word of the Shabad in her heart. ||3|| hm Gir swcw soihlVw pRB AwieAVy mIqw rwm ] In my home, the true songs of rejoicing resound; the Lord God, my Friend, has come to me. rwvy rMig rwqiVAw mnu lIAVw dIqw rwm ] He enjoys me, and imbued with His Love, I have captivated His heart, and given mine to Him. Awpxw mnu dIAw hir vru lIAw ijau BwvY iqau rwvey ] I gave my mind, and obtained the Lord as my Husband; as it pleases His Will, He enjoys me. qnu mnu ipr AwgY sbid sBwgY Gir AMimRq Plu pwvey ] I have placed my body and mind before my Husband Lord, and through the Shabad, I have been blessed. Within the home of my own self, I have obtained the ambrosial fruit. buiD pwiT n pweIAY bhu cqurweIAY Bwie imlY min Bwxy ] He is not obtained by intellectual recitation or great cleverness; only by love does the mind obtain Him. nwnk Twkur mIq hmwry hm nwhI lokwxy ]4]1] O Nanak, the Lord Master is my Best Friend; I am not an ordinary person. ||4||1|| |