mundraa mon da-i-aa kar jholee patar kaa karahu beechaar ray
rwmklI bwxI Bgq kbIr jIau ] (970-14)raamkalee banee bhagt kabeer jee-o. Raamkalee, The Word Of The Devotees. Kabeer Jee: |
muMdRw moin dieAw kir JolI pqR kw krhu bIcwru ry ] iKMQw iehu qnu sIAau Apnw nwmu krau AwDwru ry ]1] Sew this body as your patched coat, and take the Lord's Name as your support. ||1|| AYsw jogu kmwvhu jogI ] Practice such Yoga, O Yogi. jp qp sMjmu gurmuiK BogI ]1] rhwau ] As Gurmukh, enjoy meditation, austerities and self-discipline. ||1||Pause|| buiD ibBUiq cFwvau ApunI isMgI suriq imlweI ] Apply the ashes of wisdom to your body; let your horn be your focused consciousness. kir bYrwgu iPrau qin ngrI mn kI ikMgurI bjweI ]2] Become detached, and wander through the city of your body; play the harp of your mind. ||2|| pMc qqu lY ihrdY rwKhu rhY inrwlm qwVI ] Enshrine the five tatvas - the five elements, within your heart; let your deep meditative trance be undisturbed. khqu kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu Drmu dieAw kir bwVI ]3]7] Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: make righteousness and compassion your garden. ||3||7|| |