meeraaN daanaaN dil soch
iql�g mhlw 5 ] (724-15)tilang mehlaa 5. Tilang, Fifth Mehl: |
mIrW dwnW idl soc ] muhbqy min qin bsY scu swh bMdI moc ]1] rhwau ] Enshrine love for the True Lord in your mind and body; He is the Liberator from bondage. ||1||Pause|| dIdny dIdwr swihb kCu nhI ies kw molu ] The value of seeing the Vision of the Lord Master cannot be estimated. pwk prvdgwr qU Kuid Ksmu vfw Aqolu ]1] You are the Pure Cherisher; You Yourself are the great and immeasurable Lord and Master. ||1|| dsogIrI dyih idlwvr qUhI qUhI eyk ] Give me Your help, O brave and generous Lord; You are the One, You are the Only Lord. krqwr kudriq krx Kwlk nwnk qyrI tyk ]2]5] O Creator Lord, by Your creative potency, You created the world; Nanak holds tight to Your support. ||2||5|| |