milhu pi-aaray jee-aa
gauVI mhlw 5 ] (207-8)ga-orhee mehlaa 5. Gauree, Fifth Mehl: |
imlhu ipAwry jIAw ] pRB kIAw qumwrw QIAw ]1] rhwau ] O God, whatever You do - that alone happens. ||1||Pause|| Aink jnm bhu jonI BRimAw bhuir bhuir duKu pwieAw ] Wandering around through countless incarnations, I endured pain and suffering in so many lives, over and over again. qumrI ik®pw qy mwnuK dyh pweI hY dyhu drsu hir rwieAw ]1] By Your Grace, I obtained this human body; grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Sovereign Lord King. ||1|| soeI hoAw jo iqsu Bwxw Avru n ikn hI kIqw ] That which pleases His Will has come to pass; no one else can do anything. qumrY BwxY Brim moih moihAw jwgqu nwhI sUqw ]2] By Your Will, enticed by the illusion of emotional attachment, the people are asleep; they do not wake up. ||2|| ibnau sunhu qum pRwnpiq ipAwry ikrpw iniD dieAwlw ] Please hear my prayer, O Lord of Life, O Beloved, Ocean of mercy and compassion. rwiK lyhu ipqw pRB myry AnwQh kir pRiqpwlw ]3] Save me, O my Father God. I am an orphan - please, cherish me! ||3|| ijs no qumih idKwieE drsnu swDsMgiq kY pwCY ] You reveal the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, for the sake of the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. kir ikrpw DUir dyhu sMqn kI suKu nwnku iehu bwCY ]4]9]130] Grant Your Grace, and bless us with the dust of the feet of the Saints; Nanak yearns for this peace. ||4||9||130|| |