mil raam pi-aaray tum bin Dheeraj ko na karai
Awsw mhlw 5 ] (408-2)aasaa mehlaa 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: |
imlu rwm ipAwry qum ibnu DIrju ko n krY ]1] rhwau ] isMimRiq swsqR bhu krm kmwey pRB qumry drs ibnu suKu nwhI ]1] One may read the Simritees and the Shaastras, and perform all sorts of religious rituals; and yet, without the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, God, there is no peace at all. ||1|| vrq nym sMjm kir Qwky nwnk swD srin pRB sMig vsY ]2]2]151] People have grown weary of observing fasts, vows and rigorous self-discipline; Nanak abides with God, in the Sanctuary of the Saints. ||2||2||151|| |