mirtak ka-o paa-i-o tan saasaa bichhurat aan milaa-i-aa
soriT mhlw 5 ] (614-14)sorath mehlaa 5. Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl: |
imrqk kau pwieE qin swsw ibCurq Awin imlwieAw ] psU pryq mugD Bey sRoqy hir nwmw muiK gwieAw ]1] Even beasts, demons and fools become attentive listeners, when He sings the Praises of the Lord's Name. ||1|| pUry gur kI dyKu vfweI ] Behold the glorious greatness of the Perfect Guru. qw kI kImiq khxu n jweI ] rhwau ] His worth cannot be described. ||Pause|| dUK sog kw FwihE fyrw And mMgl ibsrwmw ] He has demolished the abode of sorrow and disease, and brought bliss, joy and happiness. mn bWCq Pl imly AicMqw pUrn hoey kwmw ]2] He effortlessly awards the fruits of the mind's desire, and all works are brought to perfection. ||2|| eIhw suKu AwgY muK aUjl imit gey Awvx jwxy ] He finds peace in this world, and his face is radiant in the world hereafter; his comings and goings are finished. inrBau Bey ihrdY nwmu visAw Apuny siqgur kY min Bwxy ]3] He becomes fearless, and his heart is filled with the Naam, the Name of the Lord; his mind is pleasing to the True Guru. ||3|| aUTq bYTq hir gux gwvY dUKu drdu BRmu Bwgw ] Standing up and sitting down, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord; his pain, sorrow and doubt are dispelled. khu nwnk qw ky pUr krMmw jw kw gur crnI mnu lwgw ]4]10]21] Says Nanak, his karma is perfect; his mind is attached to the Guru's feet. ||4||10||21|| |