maaNga-o raam tay ik daan
DnwsrI mhlw 5 ] (682-12)Dhanaasree mehlaa 5. Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl: |
mWgau rwm qy ieku dwnu ] sgl mnorQ pUrn hovih ismrau qumrw nwmu ]1] rhwau ] May all my desires be fulfilled, meditating on, and remembering Your Name, O Lord. ||1||Pause|| crn qum@wry ihrdY vwsih sMqn kw sMgu pwvau ] May Your feet abide within my heart, and may I find the Society of the Saints. sog Agin mih mnu n ivAwpY AwT phr gux gwvau ]1] May my mind not be afflicted by the fire of sorrow; may I sing Your Glorious Praises, twenty-four hours a day. ||1|| sÍsiq ibvsQw hir kI syvw mDM�q pRB jwpx ] May I serve the Lord in my childhood and youth, and meditate on God in my middle and old age. nwnk rMgu lgw prmysr bwhuiV jnm n Cwpx ]2]18]49] O Nanak, one who is imbued with the Love of the Transcendent Lord, is not reincarnated again to die. ||2||18||49|| |