maarvaarh jaisay neer baalhaa bayl baalhaa karhalaa
DnwsrI nwmdyv jIau ] (693-9)Dhanaasree naamdayv jee-o. Dhanaasaree, The Word Of Devotee Naam Dayv Jee: |
mwrvwiV jYsy nIru bwlhw byil bwlhw krhlw ] ijau kurMk inis nwdu bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]1] and the tune of the hunter's bell at night is enticing to the deer, so is the Lord to my mind. ||1|| qyrw nwmu rUVo rUpu rUVo Aiq rMg rUVo myro rwmeIAw ]1] rhwau ] Your Name is so beautiful! Your form is so beautiful! Your Love is so very beautiful, O my Lord. ||1||Pause|| ijau DrxI kau ieMdRü bwlhw kusm bwsu jYsy Bvrlw ] As rain is dear to the earth, and the flower's fragrance is dear to the bumble bee, ijau koikl kau AMbu bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]2] and the mango is dear to the cuckoo, so is the Lord to my mind. ||2|| ckvI kau jYsy sUru bwlhw mwn srovr hMsulw ] As the sun is dear to the chakvi duck, and the lake of Man Sarovar is dear to the swan, ijau qruxI kau kMqu bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]3] and the husband is dear to his wife, so is the Lord to my mind. ||3|| bwirk kau jYsy KIru bwlhw cwiqRk muK jYsy jlDrw ] As milk is dear to the baby, and the raindrop is dear to the mouth of the rainbird, mCulI kau jYsy nIru bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]4] and as water is dear to the fish, so is the Lord to my mind. ||4|| swiDk isD sgl muin cwhih ibrly kwhU fITulw ] All the seekers, Siddhas and silent sages seek Him, but only a rare few behold Him. sgl Bvx qyro nwmu bwlhw iqau nwmy min bITulw ]5]3] Just as Your Name is dear to all the Universe, so is the Lord dear to Naam Dayv's mind. ||5||3|| |