maanukh bin boojhay birthaa aa-i-aa
tofI mhlw 5 ] (712-12)todee mehlaa 5. Todee, Fifth Mehl: |
mwnuKu ibnu bUJy ibrQw AwieAw ] Aink swj sIgwr bhu krqw ijau imrqku EFwieAw ] rhwau ] He puts on various ornaments and many decorations, but it is like dressing a corpse. ||Pause|| Dwie Dwie ik®pn sRmu kIno iekqR krI hY mwieAw ] With great effort and exertion, the miser works to gather in the riches of Maya. dwnu puMnu nhI sMqn syvw ikq hI kwij n AwieAw ]1] He does not give anything in charity or generosity, and he does not serve the Saints; his wealth does not do him any good at all. ||1|| kir AwBrx svwrI syjw kwmin Qwtu bnwieAw ] The soul-bride puts on her ornaments, embellishes her bed, and fashions decorations. sMgu n pwieE Apuny Brqy pyiK pyiK duKu pwieAw ]2] But if she does not obtain the company of her Husband Lord, the sight of these decorations only brings her pain. ||2|| swro idnsu mjUrI krqw quhu mUslih CrwieAw ] The man works all day long, threshing the husks with the pestle. Kydu BieE bygwrI inAweI Gr kY kwim n AwieAw ]3] He is depressed, like a forced laborer, and so he is of no use to his own home. ||3|| BieE AnugRhu jw kau pRB ko iqsu ihrdY nwmu vswieAw ] But when God shows His Mercy and Grace, He implants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within the heart. swDsMgiq kY pwCY pirAau jn nwnk hir rsu pwieAw ]4]2]4] Search the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, and find the sublime essence of the Lord. ||4||2||4|| |