maan moh ar lobh vikaaraa bee-o cheet na ghaali-o
mwrU mhlw 5 ] (1000-1)maaroo mehlaa 5. Maaroo, Fifth Mehl: |
mwn moh Aru loB ivkwrw bIE cIiq n GwilE ] nwm rqnu guxw hir bxjy lwid vKru lY cwilE ]1] I have purchased the jewel of the Naam and the Glorious Praises of the Lord; loading this merchandise, I have set out on my journey. ||1|| syvk kI EVik inbhI pRIiq ] The love which the Lord's servant feels for the Lord lasts forever. jIvq swihbu syivE Apnw clqy rwiKE cIiq ]1] rhwau ] In my life, I served my Lord and Master, and as I depart, I keep Him enshrined in my consciousness. ||1||Pause|| jYsI AwigAw kInI Twkuir iqs qy muKu nhI moirE ] I have not turned my face away from my Lord and Master's Command. shju An�du riKE igRh BIqir auiT auAwhU kau dauirE ]2] He fills my household with celestial peace and bliss; if He asks me to leave, I leave at once. ||2|| AwigAw mih BUK soeI kir sUKw sog hrK nhI jwinE ] When I am under the Lord's Command, I find even hunger pleasurable; I know no difference between sorrow and joy. jo jo hukmu BieE swihb kw so mwQY ly mwinE ]3] Whatever the Command of my Lord and Master is, I bow my forehead and accept it. ||3|| BieE ik®pwlu Twkuru syvk kau svry hlq plwqw ] The Lord and Master has become merciful to His servant; He has embellished both this world and the next. DMnu syvku sPlu Ehu AwieAw ijin nwnk Ksmu pCwqw ]4]5] Blessed is that servant, and fruitful is his birth; O Nanak, he realizes his Lord and Master. ||4||5|| |