maaDha-o har har har mukh kahee-ai

gauVI mwlw 5 ] (216-10)
ga-orhee maalaa 5.
Gauree Maalaa, Fifth Mehl:

mwDau hir hir hir muiK khIAY ]
maaDha-o har har har mukh kahee-ai.
O Lord, I chant Your Name, Har, Har, Har.

hm qy kCU n hovY suAwmI ijau rwKhu iqau rhIAY ]1] rhwau ]
ham tay kachhoo na hovai su-aamee ji-o raakho ti-o rahee-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I cannot do anything by myself, O Lord and Master. As You keep me, so I remain. ||1||Pause||

ikAw ikCu krY ik krxYhwrw ikAw iesu hwiQ ibcwry ]
ki-aa kichh karai ke karnaihaaraa ki-aa is haath bichaaray.
What can the mere mortal do? What is in the hands of this poor creature?

ijqu qum lwvhu iqq hI lwgw pUrn Ksm hmwry ]1]
jit tum laavhu tit hee laagaa pooran khasam hamaaray. ||1||
As You attach us, so we are attached, O my Perfect Lord and Master. ||1||

krhu ik®pw srb ky dwqy eyk rUp ilv lwvhu ]
karahu kirpaa sarab kay daatay ayk roop liv laavhu.
Take pity on me, O Great Giver of all, that I may enshrine love for Your Form alone.

nwnk kI byn�qI hir pih Apunw nwmu jpwvhu ]2]7]165]
naanak kee baynantee har peh apunaa naam japaavhu. ||2||7||165||
Nanak offers this prayer to the Lord, that he may chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||7||165||