maataa pareet karay put khaa-ay
gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 4 ] (164-9)ga-orhee gu-aarayree mehlaa 4. Gauree Gwaarayree, Fourth Mehl: |
mwqw pRIiq kry puqu Kwie ] mIny pRIiq BeI jil nwie ] The fish loves to bathe in the water. siqgur pRIiq gurisK muiK pwie ]1] The True Guru loves to place food in the mouth of His GurSikh. ||1|| qy hir jn hir mylhu hm ipAwry ] If only I could meet those humble servants of the Lord, O my Beloved. ijn imilAw duK jwih hmwry ]1] rhwau ] Meeting with them, my sorrows depart. ||1||Pause|| ijau imil bCry gaU pRIiq lgwvY ] As the cow shows her love to her strayed calf when she finds it, kwmin pRIiq jw ipru Gir AwvY ] and as the bride shows her love for her husband when he returns home, hir jn pRIiq jw hir jsu gwvY ]2] so does the Lord's humble servant love to sing the Praises of the Lord. ||2|| swirMg pRIiq bsY jl Dwrw ] The rainbird loves the rainwater, falling in torrents; nrpiq pRIiq mwieAw dyiK pswrw ] the king loves to see his wealth on display. hir jn pRIiq jpY inrMkwrw ]3] The humble servant of the Lord loves to meditate on the Formless Lord. ||3|| nr pRwxI pRIiq mwieAw Dnu Kwty ] The mortal man loves to accumulate wealth and property. gurisK pRIiq guru imlY glwty ] The GurSikh loves to meet and embrace the Guru. jn nwnk pRIiq swD pg cwty ]4]3]41] Servant Nanak loves to kiss the feet of the Holy. ||4||3||41|| |