maataa joothee pitaa bhee joothaa joothay hee fal laagay
bsMqu ihMfolu Gru 2 (1195-5)basant hindol ghar 2 Basant Hindol, Second House: |
mwqw jUTI ipqw BI jUTw jUTy hI Pl lwgy ] Awvih jUTy jwih BI jUTy jUTy mrih ABwgy ]1] Impure they come, and impure they go. The unfortunate ones die in impurity. ||1|| khu pMifq sUcw kvnu Twau ] Tell me, O Pandit, O religious scholar, which place is uncontaminated? jhW bYis hau Bojnu Kwau ]1] rhwau ] Where should I sit to eat my meal? ||1||Pause|| ijhbw jUTI bolq jUTw krn nyqR siB jUTy ] The tongue is impure, and its speech is impure. The eyes and ears are totally impure. ieMdRI kI jUiT auqris nwhI bRhm Agin ky lUTy ]2] The impurity of the sexual organs does not depart; the Brahmin is burnt by the fire. ||2|| Agin BI jUTI pwnI jUTw jUTI bYis pkwieAw ] The fire is impure, and the water is impure. The place where you sit and cook is impure. jUTI krCI prosn lwgw jUTy hI bYiT KwieAw ]3] Impure is the ladle which serves the food. Impure is the one who sits down to eat it. ||3|| gobru jUTw caukw jUTw jUTI dInI kwrw ] Impure is the cow dung, and impure is the kitchen square. Impure are the lines that mark it off. kih kbIr qyeI nr sUcy swcI prI ibcwrw ]4]1]7] Says Kabeer, they alone are pure, who have obtained pure understanding. ||4||1||7|| |