ayk hamaaraa antarjaamee

ibBws pRBwqI mhlw 5 AstpdIAw (1347-8)
bibhaas parbhaatee mehlaa 5 asatpadee-aa
Bibhaas, Prabhaatee, Fifth Mehl, Ashtapadees:

mwq ipqw BweI suqu binqw ]
maat pitaa bhaa-ee sut banitaa.
Mother, father, siblings, children and spouse

cUgih cog An�d isau jugqw ]
choogeh chog anand si-o jugtaa.
- involved with them, people eat the food of bliss.

auriJ pirE mn mIT muohwrw ]
urajh pari-o man meeth mohaaraa.
The mind is entangled in sweet emotional attachment.

gun gwhk myry pRwn ADwrw ]1]
gun gaahak mayray paraan aDhaaraa. ||1||
Those who seek God's Glorious Virtues are the support of my breath of life. ||1||

eyku hmwrw AMqrjwmI ]
ayk hamaaraa antarjaamee.
My One Lord is the Inner-Knower, the Searcher of hearts.

Dr eykw mY itk eyksu kI isir swhw vf purKu suAwmI ]1] rhwau ]
Dhar aykaa mai tik aykas kee sir saahaa vad purakh su-aamee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
He alone is my Support; He is my only Protection. My Great Lord and Master is over and above the heads of kings. ||1||Pause||

Cl nwgin isau myrI tUtin hoeI ]
chhal naagan si-o mayree tootan ho-ee.
I have broken my ties to that deceitful serpent.

guir kihAw ieh JUTI DohI ]
gur kahi-aa ih jhoothee Dhohee.
The Guru has told me that it is false and fraudulent.

muiK mITI KweI kaurwie ]
mukh meethee khaa-ee ka-uraa-ay.
Its face is sweet, but it tastes very bitter.

AMimRq nwim mnu rihAw AGwie ]2]
amrit naam man rahi-aa aghaa-ay. ||2||
My mind remains satisfied with the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

loB moh isau geI ivKoit ]
lobh moh si-o ga-ee vikhot.
I have broken my ties with greed and emotional attachment.

guir ik®pwil moih kInI Coit ]
gur kirpaal mohi keenee chhot.
The Merciful Guru has rescued me from them.

ieh TgvwrI bhuqu Gr gwly ]
ih thagvaaree bahut ghar gaalay.
These cheating thieves have plundered so many homes.

hm guir rwiK lIey ikrpwly ]3]
ham gur raakh lee-ay kirpaalay. ||3||
The Merciful Guru has protected and saved me. ||3||

kwm k®oD isau Twtu n binAw ]
kaam kroDh si-o thaat na bani-aa.
I have no dealings whatsoever with sexual desire and anger.

gur aupdysu moih kwnI suinAw ]
gur updays mohi kaanee suni-aa.
I listen to the Guru's Teachings.

jh dyKau qh mhw cMfwl ]
jah daykh-a-u tah mahaa chandaal.
Wherever I look, I see the most horrible goblins.

rwiK lIey ApunY guir gopwl ]4]
raakh lee-ay apunai gur gopaal. ||4||
My Guru, the Lord of the World, has saved me from them. ||4||

ds nwrI mY krI duhwgin ]
das naaree mai karee duhaagan.
I have made widows of the ten sensory organs.

guir kihAw eyh rsih ibKwgin ]
gur kahi-aa ayh raseh bikhaagan.
The Guru has told me that these pleasures are the fires of corruption.

ien snbMDI rswqil jwie ]
in sanbanDhee rasaatal jaa-ay.
Those who associate with them go to hell.

hm guir rwKy hir ilv lwie ]5]
ham gur raakhay har liv laa-ay. ||5||
The Guru has saved me; I am lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||5||

AhMmyv isau msliq CofI ]
ahamayv si-o maslat chhodee.
I have forsaken the advice of my ego.

guir kihAw iehu mUrKu hofI ]
gur kahi-aa ih moorakh hodee.
The Guru has told me that this is foolish stubbornness.

iehu nIGru Gru khI n pwey ]
ih neeghar ghar kahee na paa-ay.
This ego is homeless; it shall never find a home.

hm guir rwiK lIey ilv lwey ]6]
ham gur raakh lee-ay liv laa-ay. ||6||
The Guru has saved me; I am lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||6||

ien logn isau hm Bey bYrweI ]
in logan si-o ham bha-ay bairaa-ee.
I have become alienated from these people.

eyk igRh mih duie n KtWeI ]
ayk garih meh du-ay na khataaN-ee.
We cannot both live together in one home.

Awey pRB pih AMcir lwig ]
aa-ay parabh peh anchar laag.
Grasping the hem of the Guru's Robe, I have come to God.

krhu qpwvsu pRB srbwig ]7]
karahu tapaavas parabh sarbaag. ||7||
Please be fair with me, All-knowing Lord God. ||7||

pRB his boly kIey inAWeyN ]
parabh has bolay kee-ay ni-aaN-ayN.
God smiled at me and spoke, passing judgement.

sgl dUq myrI syvw lwey ]
sagal doot mayree sayvaa laa-ay.
He made all the demons perform service for me.

qUM Twkuru iehu igRhu sBu qyrw ]
tooN thaakur ih garihu sabh tayraa.
You are my Lord and Master; all this home belongs to You.

khu nwnk guir kIAw inbyrw ]8]1]
kaho naanak gur kee-aa nibayraa. ||8||1||
Says Nanak, the Guru has passed judgement. ||8||1||