maat pitaa bhaa-ee sut banDhap tin kaa bal hai thoraa
gUjrI mhlw 5 ] (499-6)goojree mehlaa 5. Goojaree, Fifth Mehl: |
mwq ipqw BweI suq bMDp iqn kw blu hY Qorw ] Aink rMg mwieAw ky pyKy ikCu swiQ n cwlY Borw ]1] I have seen the many pleasures of Maya, but none goes with them in the end. ||1|| Twkur quJ ibnu Awih n morw ] O Lord Master, other than You, no one is mine. moih AnwQ inrgun guxu nwhI mY AwihE qum@rw Dorw ]1] rhwau ] I am a worthless orphan, devoid of merit; I long for Your Support. ||1||Pause|| bil bil bil bil crx qum@wry eIhw aUhw qum@wrw jorw ] I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice to Your lotus feet; here and hereafter, Yours is the only power. swDsMig nwnk drsu pwieE ibnisE sgl inhorw ]2]7]16] In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, Nanak has obtained the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; my obligations to all others are annulled. ||2||7||16|| |