maatee tay jin saaji-aa kar durlabh dayh
iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (812-12)bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: |
mwtI qy ijin swijAw kir durlB dyh ] Aink iCdR mn mih Fky inrml idRstyh ]1] He covers the many faults in your mind, and makes you look immaculate and pure. ||1|| ikau ibsrY pRBu mnY qy ijs ky gux eyh ] So why do you forget God from your mind? He has done so many good things for you. pRB qij rcy ij Awn isau so rlIAY Kyh ]1] rhwau ] One who forsakes God, and blends himself with another, in the end is blended with dust. ||1||Pause|| ismrhu ismrhu swis swis mq iblm kryh ] Meditate, meditate in remembrance with each and every breath - do not delay! Coif pRpMcu pRB isau rchu qij kUVy nyh ]2] Renounce worldly affairs, and merge yourself into God; forsake false loves. ||2|| ijin Aink eyk bhu rMg kIey hY hosI eyh ] He is many, and He is One; He takes part in the many plays. This is as He is, and shall be. kir syvw iqsu pwrbRhm gur qy miq lyh ]3] So serve that Supreme Lord God, and accept the Guru's Teachings. ||3|| aUcy qy aUcw vfw sB sMig brnyh ] God is said to be the highest of the high, the greatest of all, our companion. dws dws ko dwsrw nwnk kir lyh ]4]17]47] Please, let Nanak be the slave of the slave of Your slaves. ||4||17||47|| |